Providing Science-based Solutions for the Global Scientific Community
The datavault solutions provide revolutionary crypto anchors and data objectification that reduces
How will SativaGen deliver economic value?
Regulatory Compliance and Policy Building
As with any FDA-approved product, rigorous scientific data is a prerequisite.
Without FDA approval, the industry will suffer from capped growth due to limited product confidence and acceptance.
Research is paramount to comply with existing regulations and garner FDA approval.
Compliance of Raw Materials and Product
Growers and producers around the world lack the scientific research necessary to grow safe and unvarying product.
Creation of plants with defined genetic profiles will lead to higher consistency and compliance of raw materials.
Increased Productivity through Research
Will result in significant optimization of plant productivity, leading to improved crop performance, growth, yield and substantial revenue increase.
Tackling the Cannabis Industry’s Greatest Obstacles to Growth
Datavault’s team established pioneers in the agriculture biotechnology industry. With over 200 issued patents and 300 publications, the management team brings proven abilities in the development of intellectual property, resulting in extensive value for its clients and shareholders.
Jorn Gorlach, Ph.D., MBA
CEO, VP of Research/Business Development
‘95 Head of Combinatorial Biochemistry, Novartis/Syngenta
‘97 VP Plant Research/Founder, Paradigm Genetics
‘99 VP Business Development, Paradigm Genetics: IPO 2000
‘01 Founder Ercole Biotech, BOD
‘06 Founder Montecito BioSciences, BOD
‘09 Founder Parallax Diagnostics, BOD
‘94 Ph.D., Plant Molecular Biology, ETH Zürich
‘01 MBA, UNC Chapel Hill
Keith Davis, Ph.D.
VP of Plant Research
’89 Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School, Boston
’99 Director Plant Biotechnology Center, Ohio State University
‘02 Director Plant Research, Paradigm Genetics
‘05 Vice President, Agricultural Biotechnology, Icoria (acquired by Monsanto)
’09 Executive Director, Owensboro Cancer Research Program, Owensboro Health
’18 Director, Biotechnology Program, Department of Biology, Indiana University
‘85 Ph.D., Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, UC Boulder
Pierre Debs, Ph.D.
Founder, Europe
‘06 Scientist, Goethe University Klinik, Frankfurt
‘15 Founder & CEO, MedCann GmbH
‘17 EU Managing Director, Canopy Growth Group
‘20 CEO & Founder, DrD GmbH
‘03 Ph.D. Biology, Freie Universitaet Berlin
Sandy Stewart, MS.
VP of Operations/Biochemistry
‘85 Researcher, Ciba-Geigy
‘90 Head of Immunochemistry Group, Ciba-Geigy
‘93 Founder, Immunovation, Inc.
‘97 Founder Paradigm Genetics/Director of Biochemistry (Metabolomics)
‘09 Sr. Director of Lab Operations, Metabolon
‘87 M.S. Immunology, Rutgers University
‘06 Rutgers University Board of Trustees
‘15 Rutgers University Board of Governors
Scott Foss-Kilburn, J.D.
General Counsel & Secretary
‘15 Corporate Litigator
‘17 General Counsel, Teewinot Life Science
‘20 CRO, , Teewinot Life Science
‘14 J.D. & M.S. Real Estate, University of Florida
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