Data is our commodity

We create integrated solutions for established mining and commodity operations to tokenize their assets.


We create data assets backed by commodity holdings. We’ve developed patented capabilities to allow for the tokenization of assets, the scoring and valuation related to underlying assets. Gold, diamonds, silver and all other mined commodities can be understood in their native states and monetized in proven strategies.  Our patented utility tokens can be retired as commodities are physically acquired. Managed according to their immutably connected physical counterparts tokens provide for next level innovation. 

Digital Twins Innovation

A commodity business requires data and analyticåås and our software solutions turn data into actionable intelligence and known physical assets can be immutably paired with digital ones. The digital twins of mines can create experiential, data display and digital representations that give consumers the tactile connection to the commodities they own in token form. Tokens backed by real world registered and fully regulatory compliant assets can be purchased and many benefits can be realized for both the buyer and seller.

Sellers achieve faster pre-mined monetization of assets, they can also realize benefits from the transactional replication and ease in nascent stages of mine development.

Tokenomics changes what is possible in the recognition of value and monetization capabilities for owners of commodities.

The Power of Tokenomics

Magnetic resonance reporting and modern analysis technologies allow for assets to be identified, tokenized and monetized with Datavault’s patented systems.

Data First Mining Operations

Information Data Exchange

The patented and World leading solution for the development of branded and valued tokens that allow for the creation of registered assets in primary and secondary markets.

Comprehensive service from end-to-end in commodity tokenomics. Data objectification, blockchain integration and monetization through our Information Data Exchange.

Our patented anchors set us apart from every other data management system. When it comes to commodities our anchors allow for the building of trust. Our anchors provide:

  • Tracking and tracing

  • P-Chip Microchip Tracking of Assets

  • Polymer and molecular level tracking

  • Plastics, paper, glass and precious medals can be tracked through our platform.

  • Value & Score tokens.

  • Develop tokenomic strategies with our experienced teams.

  • Aid in compliance and reporting structures required for meeting regulations and International requirements to develop real and lasting value with immutable audit trail.


When it comes to the commodities of the earth, we make it possible to make a profit from assets before they are mined. Tokens can be commodity backed creating an immutable digital connection.


Precious metals can be marked, tracked and validated from batch polymers and individualized asset tracking with microchips.

We are able to create virtual assets that can covey ownership, value and unlimited details including video, audio, multimedia, satellite feed, origin, logistics information, and validating data.

What we Bring the Commodities Industry

Digital Twin Technology

The ability to create identical digital twins of machinery, mines, people, places and products can unlock powerful human perception, product demonstration and unrivaled data analysis. The ability to inspect, experience and conduct insilico trials gives our customers next generation Web 3.0 capabilities that provide incredible utility and value for our customers. Want a digital twin? Contact us today.

Blockchain Tracking

Bitcoin, Etherium, Polygon, Chia, Datavault and all other blockchains are already or can be easily be integrated with Datavault. We developed patented and branded utility token systems that leverage any blockchain you’d like to use. Immutable records on the blockchain of your choice and fluid minting process that can automatically mirror cloud and networked systems giving new validation, mobility and monetization capabilities.

Information Data Exchange

Data backed assets are registered, scored, priced and registered of the underlying commodities and the securities enable a primary and secondary market.

History of Commodities