Art 2.0 WIA WEB 3.0

A new and exciting marketplace for Galleries to offer, trade and manage artwork of any artist they represent. This is a white label product which gives traditional art galleries a window into the digital world and connects them to millions of new buyers.

Benefits of our platform

A Global online Art Exchange using AI & NFTs to align buyers, galleries & artists - & giving back to the art community thru a sustainable business model that leverages blockchain technology.


The Royal Exchange was officially opened on 23 January 1571 by Queen Elizabeth I, who awarded the building its royal title and a license to sell alcohol and valuable goods. Only the exchange of goods took place until the 17th century.


A Global online Art Exchange using AI & NFTs to align buyers, galleries & artists - & giving back to the art community thru a sustainable business model that leverages blockchain technology.


Since the emergence of NFTs, platforms have arrived making it possible to ‘mint’ and offer digital creations to anyone with a crypto wallet. This has been a revelation to all creatives whether an amateur or a professional as it has allowed them to find and grow new audiences while creating sales.

About Us

  • The traditional art world has certainly sat up to this new community of potential buyers, with Christies and Sotheby’s managing very successful NFT auctions.

    Last year auction houses transacted globally approx. $65bn of traditional art, while NFTs traded $47bn in their first year! The volume of NFTs traded continues to increase and is set to reach $250bn annually by 2025. With all this activity happening where does it leave the Galleries? With the current global financial headwind and Gallery sales for emerging artists slowing, provides the window to offer physical artworks and their digital versions as NFTs. This increases your audience for your physical art and creates a passive income by selling digital versions as NFTs. working in partnership with {Adio} will also provide you digital security tags for all your physical artwork and will assist you in the simple onboarding process to get you up and running. By tagging your artists artwork with a p-chip, which is the size of a grain of salt, will give you many advantages from digital COAs to the audiences viewing experience in your Gallery and online. Being able to monetises a real piece of art before it is sold creates the revenue for an artist and Gallery with a new growing audience to sell to.  There are many ways Galleries, and their artists can collaborate with the digital world and manages this for you for FREE*

    * charges a proportion of any digital sale transacted through the platform but nothing if a Gallery sells a physical piece to a member of the community. In return manages the digital assets of your artists all logged to the blockchain using Chia, a carbon-neutral protocol. is working in partnership with globally recognised crypto exchanges and will be the only art offering to their community. The immediate community consists of 3m active traders transacting anything between $50m and $120m per day. This is expected to grow to in excess of 100m users within 6 months. Isn’t about time we all embraced this digital community and bring beautiful artworks to them?

Verify credentials anywhere, anytime.

We mint coins for institutions in a systematic and fully systems integrated platform. Our patent protected and fully integrated blockchain management along with our patented acoustic technologies enable our customers to verify credentials from their own .edu domains from anywhere in the World.

Index data and create valuable artifacts for students.

Datavault delivers encryption and tokenomic strategies that enable institutions to leverage all of the software and network generated data they create. Students can index data sets they’ve created during their time of learning. They can make a permanent archive of data and connections that can be leveraged into the future.

Generate credential minting revenues & utilities.

Capital is vital for the growth and management of educational institutions of all sizes. Our patented platform increases the validity of credentials that are issued and protects the integrity of institutions credentials. Through our process every credential utlity that is issued generates revenue for the institution and an immutable connection to alumni.

Elevate Your Institutions Credentials & Revenues

Branded & Useful Tokens

Deliver immutable credentials, awards and artifacts of value to students, faculty and alumni. The disciplined and systematic creation of metadata that indexes, scores and prices data of all types in Web 3.0. Creating immutable records creates value through scarcity, utility and encrypted data protection. Identity of credentialed graduates is verifiable over patented sonic data verification.



Register 〰️

Thank you for your interest in this exciting new platform. Please fill out this form and a member of the onboarding team will be in contact to arrange a demonstration. is based at the Royal Exchange, London, UK the very first ever built trading post Globally. It is’s vision to be the equivalent across many physical products digitally. The Royal Exchange is steeped in history over the past 450 years and now is a mix of offices, restaurants and high-end brands. Red8 Gallery is a traditional art Gallery in The Royal Exchange and for its exclusive artists is working with giving them all the upsides offers. Any Gallery owner is welcome to see the technology in operation. Please organise a visit or an online demonstration to see the advantages of this Global online Art Exchange. Make your future growth also.





9, The Royal Exchange,

London. EC3V 3LR.