Your Data Quarterback® in the high performance computing age.

Data Refinery - Refine your own cyber secure data

DataVault® - Use DataValue DataScore to understand it

Information Data Exchange® (IDE) - Market data assets


Web 3.0 & Blockchain intersect with our solutions that change our perception of data and allow any company to refine data into objects of immutable value, intelligence and securely exchange for cash to selected buyers without moving or changing it in anyway. Automation, subordination of AI, and trust, Datavault delivers.

Digital Twins create experiential and data perceptions that can serve Fintech executives, their customers in nearly every market they serve. Our systems safeguard digital assets and create trusted data streams that can be valued, scored and exchanged securely and through automated systems.

Benefits of our platform

AI & ML Automation

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning systems that work for your organization non-stop to make market connections for data value increase and exchange opportunity. 

Third-Party system integration

We work with any network, any data type and any customer to connect to existing infrastructure. Our refineries can use ML and AI systems to automate data objectification.

Blockchain and crypto anchors build trust

Data sources related to physical real world assets can be enhanced through the use of the blockchain and crypto anchors that can be attached to digital records and physical assets.

Comprehensive solutions for financial companies

Data Refinery

Computer Vision

Voice & Telecom

Data Object Mining

Cyber Secure Data Vending




Data Objectification

AI, ML, Anchors & Web 3.0 Tools

Information Data Exchange®

Monetize Data

Maximize your insights

Inform your strategies

Experience & perceive data

Advancements in Fintech

Curate & Create Data Objects

Automatically through the normal course of your business operations. Telecom, mobile, video, audio, database, cloud and across all networks.

Gain Powerful Insights

The value of data, its cyber secure locations, copies of company data in possession of employees, customers and everywhere else. Digital Twin Data perceptions can feed business personnel in real-time.

Learn to Trust

Our Sumerian anchors and immutable blockchain integration allows any data set to take on greater accuracy, utility, and value by increasing data owners ability to trust data.

Our platform was built for our customers so that they can understand completely all the data they create in their respective business operations. Datavault is the solution to compliance, security and maximum value creation with fintech’s best.

Checking. Savings. Data.

  • The Refinery

  • The Datavault

    • DataValue

    • DataScore

    • Sumerian Crypto Anchors

  • The Information Data Exchange

Issues in Fintech

An Overview from
our CEO


Fintech for your company. Datavault is your Data Quarterback in the high performance computing age.

Data Perception

Multi-Channel, Multi Sensory & Experiential