Trust, transparency & transaction
Carbon Credits that make a verified impact on the planet and your bottom line only from Datavault.
Carbon Credit
Capture of carbon credits using data. Transaction of carbon credit using token.
Featured Token
Benefits of our platform
Protect Credentials
Create, mint & issue credentials that are tokenized and encrypted with identity & credential information.
Web 3.0 Systems Integration
Connect to existing infrastructure to add Web 3.0 blockchain functionality. Manage cohorts and alumni connections through secure and scalable infrastructure.
Generate Revenue
Develop new revenue through creation of data objects of value and market them on our patented Information Data Exchange.
Carbon Offset Credits
A carbon offset is a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions – or an increas
e in carbon storage (e.g. through land restoration or the planting of tr
ees) – that is used to compensate for emissions that occur elsewhere.
1. Carbon offset credits allow buyers to offset their greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, as a result of industrial or other human activity.
2. Your company can offset employees’ footprint from energy use, waste, travel, shipping, commuting and other normal activities every month.
3. Credits are a practical and effective way to address climate change and encourage the growth of renewable energy, contributing to a more sustainable future.
4. Credits are a proactive way to offset your future residual emissions. 5. Pricing ensures the average costs of the projects will be covered, plus an additional "Fairtrade Premium" on top that goes directly to the local community to fund activities that help them adapt and become more resilient to an already changing climate.
Degrees, Certificates, Athletic & Academic Achievements
We create integrated solutions that take away administrative costs of credential verification, protect educational brands, and enable the creation of immutable credentials.
Verify credentials anywhere, anytime.
We mint coins for institutions in a systematic and fully systems integrated platform. Our patent protected and fully integrated blockchain management along with our patented acoustic technologies enable our customers to verify credentials from their own .edu domains from anywhere in the World.
Index data and create valuable artifacts for students.
Datavault delivers encryption and tokenomic strategies that enable institutions to leverage all of the software and network generated data they create. Students can index data sets they’ve created during their time of learning. They can make a permanent archive of data and connections that can be leveraged into the future.
Generate credential minting revenues & utilities.
Capital is vital for the growth and management of educational institutions of all sizes. Our patented platform increases the validity of credentials that are issued and protects the integrity of institutions credentials. Through our process every credential utlity that is issued generates revenue for the institution and an immutable connection to alumni.
Datavault® Carbon Offset Credits Marketplace Key Features
Element of trust found nowhere else: direct connection to Carbon Credit Registeries insures credits are immutable
Token = 1 carbon offset credit = 1 Metric Tonne of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (tCO2e)
Straightforward method for meeting corporate or individual GHG emissions goals
Secure Credits insure complete confidence of ownership
Streamlined connection provides automated purchasing process for efficiency & transparency
Buyers retain ownership and can
exercise retirement rights or trade at
any time
Authentic sources and Ethical suppliers of carbon offset creditsAuthentic sources and Ethical suppliers of carbon offset credits
Elevate Your Institutions Credentials & Revenues
Branded & Useful Tokens
Deliver immutable credentials, awards and artifacts of value to students, faculty and alumni. The disciplined and systematic creation of metadata that indexes, scores and prices data of all types in Web 3.0. Creating immutable records creates value through scarcity, utility and encrypted data protection. Identity of credentialed graduates is verifiable over patented sonic data verification.
Next Step: As a buyer it's critical that you authenticate the source of your carbon credits; CarterBrothers Sustainability™ has all the information you need to take the next step.
Please reach out to us at . CarterBrothers Sustainability™ experts will work with your team to calculate your carbon footprint using our proprietary Carbon Calculator™.
Notable Partners in Education
Our Solutions for Educational Institutions
Generate revenue
Securely works with all existing data infrastructure
Customizable to existing award & recognition programs
Works with any Blockchain and integrated solution
Creates branded utility token that can authenticate and identify credentials
Protects the brand integrity of institutions